Senin, 07 Desember 2009

cesc's pics

Hope it's not too late to say Merry Christmas everyone!
wish you have a good time and enjoy your holiday!


Xabi Alonso and Cesc Fabregas

Xabi Alonso and Cesc Fabregas

STEVEN GERARD... the skipper who scored the penalty after the vidic's foul.

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Cesc goes to Barca

Cesc Fàbregas ha vuelto encontrar en la concentración de la selección un grupo con el que su hambre de títulos puede verse saciada. En el Arsenal se siente a gusto. Es el capitán, cuenta con el respeto de todos, se divierte con su fútbol ofensivo… pero es un ganador nato y con los ‘gunners’ lleva una travesía de cuatro años en blanco que se le está haciendo eterna. La falta de grandes logros le incomoda y deja la puerta abierta a un cambio de aires, siempre y cuando la propuesta sea tan atractiva como la que ha mostrado esta temporada su gran ídolo de infancia, Pep Guardiola.

¿Con qué sensaciones afronta esta Copa tras de un curso que ha resultado bastante duro para usted?

A uno siempre le gusta acabar de la mejor manera posible y si puede ser con un título con la selección, mucho mejor. Estoy con la máxima ilusión y motivación.

Su equipo fue de menos a más, aunque los títulos se resistieron, ¿acabó contento?

Si no ganas títulos no puedes estar contento, aunque es cierto que no terminamos mal. Perder las semifinales de la Champions y de la Cup nos dejó un poco tocados... Nos faltó dar el último paso. Igual no estuvimos a la altura durante la temporada. A pesar de que hicimos mucho para llegar a las semifinales, nos faltó un poco de potencial para llegar a la final, como el del Chelsea en la Copa o el Manchester o Barça, en la Champions.

¿Estas decepciones le han llevado a plantearse la opción de dar un giro a su carrera?

Yo quiero ganar títulos. Un jugador cuando desarrolla su carrera quiere llegar al final y cuando se retire, decir que ha jugado, se ha sentido importante como futbolista y ha ganando títulos. Es lo que te da carisma. Quiero ganar y soy feliz en el Arsenal, pero son cuatro años sin éxitos y para un jugador que desea ganar títulos es mucho.

Conociendo su situación, las ofertas deben ser constantes, ¿si se produjera una del Barça se la estudiaria con especial cariño?

Está clarísimo que sería especial, pero también tengo claro que el Arsenal me hizo capitán a media temporada, por lo que tengo una responsabilidad añadida, que me liga más al club y me haría ilusión levantar un título como capitán ‘gunner’.

Su deseo es triunfar en el Arsenal, pero siempre ha confesado una gran admiración por Pep. ¿Qué haría si le llamara?

Si se diera esta circunstancia, sería algo distinto.

¿Ha tenido contactos con el Barça?

No, no ha habido nada...

¿Qué significa Pep para usted?

Ha sido siempre mi espejo. He jugado siempre en su posición, me ha gustado llevar el cuatro por él... De pequeño era mi héroe futbolístico, el que más me gustaba. He intentado imitar cosas que él hacía y como entrenador ha vuelto a demostrar su valía. Es una persona que siempre será importante en mi vida.

Además trata a los canteranos con una dedicación muy especial.

Está claro que en los partidos se ve a la gente de la cantera jugando, involucrada… Es digno de admirar.

Se dice que usted quizá no sería compatible con Xavi e Iniesta, pero en la Eurocopa pasada no se demostró lo contrario...

Es una pregunta difícil de contestar porque no soy entrenador ni jugador del Barça. De todos modos, creo que los buenos futbolistas que se llevan y entienden bien, pueden jugar en todos los sitios, pero insisto que soy del Arsenal y no puedo hablar de todo esto.

De seguir en el Arsenal, ¿es consciente de que el año que viene llegan elecciones a la presidencia del Barça y su nombre puede ser un reclamo para los candidatos?

No sé lo que me espera el próximo año, pueden pasar tantas cosas... El mejor ejemplo es el Barça. No había ganado nada en dos años y ahora consigue el triplete. Quizá nadie se lo esperaba y lo ha hecho. El fútbol es tan imprevisible que hablar de un año vista es muy complicado.

¿Conoce o tiene relación con Sandro Rosell?

Lo conozco, he hablado alguna vez con él, pero por temas relacionados con mi marca. Nada más.

¿Mantiene contacto con Henry?

Tenemos una relación amistosa. Está claro que le felicito cuando consigue cosas importantes. Alguna vez lo he visto por Barcelona. Jugué con él cuatro años y fue una persona importante para mí. Un gran capitán y una buena persona en el vestuario. Lo admiro muchísimo.

¿Ha conversado con Arsène Wenger sobre su situación en el club?

No me ha dicho nada y no tiene motivos para hacerlo porque no hay nada nuevo. Estoy encantado de seguir en el Arsenal. Y si tuviéramos que hacerlo, sería de puertas para adentro y sin problemas.

Su entrenador parece muy interesado en Touré. ¿El Arsenal está un tanto perdido en el medio centro desde la marcha de Flamini?

Estábamos acostumbrados a jugar con futbolistas como Vieira, Gilberto Silva o Flamini y es cierto que este año estuvimos un poco cojos en esta posición tan importante. Es una demarcación poco valorada, pero clave, sobre todo para equipos como el nuestro, que atacan, que tienen el balón… Saber que alguien está por detrás es fundamental.

También se ha hablado que podría reencontrarse con Flamini en el Milan, ¿le seduciría jugar de ‘rossonero’?

Es un club que me gusta mucho desde pequeño. Un histórico del fútbol, lo he seguido como aficionado, aunque no pienso en otro equipo que no sea el Arsenal.

¿Qué valoración hace de los dos modelos que se han instaurado en la Liga española, el de unir a grandes nombres del Madrid y el de apostar por un bloque como el Barça?

No se trata de una cuestión de estilos ni de nada de esto. Cada entrenador tiene el suyo y se puede ganar de muchas maneras. Muchas veces no es cuestión de nombres y dependes del conjunto, pero es cierto que los grandes jugadores marcan las diferencias y en momentos importantes pueden ser decisivos.

¿Sigue pensando que el blanco le queda bien?

No hice ni caso a todo lo que se dijo a raíz de este comentario. La pregunta me pilló de improvisto y fue lo primero que me vino a la cabeza. Sin ninguna intención, a veces los medios ya se sabe…

Este comentario quizá dolió a más de un culé porque aún se le considera un jugador de la casa.

Doy las gracias a los que piensan así.

¿Por qué ha tenido tantos problemas de adaptación su ex compañero Hleb?

El primer año en otro club siempre es difícil. En su primera temporada en el Arsenal tampoco jugó mucho y en le segunda se destapó muchísimo. En el Barça juega en la posición de Messi o Henry y han hecho una temporada increíble y Alex puede que se haya sentido en un segundo plano futbolístico. Quizá la confianza se ha visto afectada, pero es un gran jugador y todos los que han entrenado con él lo dicen.

¿Hace bien en querer seguir?

Sí, el Barça tiene una temporada muy larga por delante, con muchos jugadores para disfrutar de minutos y Hleb puede ayudar mucho.

¿El Balón de Oro se lo daría a Iniesta o Messi?

Son dos jugadores con los que me llevó muy bien y no puedo elegir.

¿Están echando de menos a Iniesta en la selección?

Claro y no sólo dentro del campo. Fuera me llevo muy bien con él, es muy buen chaval y me lo paso bien cuando estamos juntos.

¿Han hablado recientemente?

Me llamó para preguntarme por la brecha que me hice en la ceja. Ahora está de vacaciones y es mejor dejarle tranquilo.
95809_4_cesc_fabregas_press_conf_af.jpg image by raulsalih
Jordi Gil, Sport, 14.06.09

Minggu, 29 November 2009


Karl Urban aku cinta kamu . kenapa kamu gg pernah menyadarinya . kamu dan aku tau itu . tapi kamu gg pernah berusaha . kamu terlalu ego dengan urusan mu seniri .

Selasa, 29 September 2009

Target Utama

Fabregas, target utama Barcelona

Fabregas, diminati Barcelona
Fabregas, diminati Barcelona

Cesc Fabregas menjadi target nomor satu Barcelona dalam bursa transfer
musim depan. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, Barca telah menyiapkan anggaran jumbo
untuk membawa pulang gelandang Arsenal itu. Yakni, USD 47 juta atau
lebih dari Rp 470 miliar.

Barca sejatinya sudah beberapa kali
dikaitkan dengan Fabregas yang notabene pemain jebolan Akademi Sepak
Bola Barcelona. Namun, berkali-kali pula ambisi Barca memboyong
Fabregas gagal. Harian Daily Mail melaporkan, ketidakmampuan
Fabregas beradaptasi dengan kehidupan London membuka peluang Barca
untuk kembali menggaet gelandang timnas Spanyol itu.

Di sisi
lain, kubu Arsenal menanggapi dingin rencana Barca membawa pulang
Fabregas. Pelatih Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, mengatakan tidak pernah ragu
dengan komitmen Fabregas untuk tetap memperkuat The Gunners -julukan
Arsenal. “Saya tidak bisa setiap hari mempertanyakan komitmennya,”

Menurut Wenger, Fabregas telah beberapa kali
menegaskan tidak akan meninggalkan Arsenal. “Masalahnya, begitu banyak
orang ingin menciptakan kekacauan di Arsenal dengan membujuknya pergi,”
ucap Wenger. Arsenal memboyong Fabregas dari Barcelona pada 2003.

..Rascal Flatts..


Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

new season

Cesc will make decision at the end of the season

Asked about the rumous linking him to several European top clubs among which Barcelona (read more here), Arsenal midfielder Cesc Fàbregas has said at a press conference that he will decide at the end of the season if he stays with Arsenal or not:

"Every player lives his life in his own way. Every summer one evaluates how the season has been, if he's happy and if he can make progress. But now there are still two months left, I've just recovered from an injury that kept me sidelined for four months and I only have to focus on what I like, which is playing football.

At this moment I'm very happy at Arsenal, I have a big responsibility as captain of the team. If someone wants me, they'll first have to talk with Arsenal. If Wenger would then ask me to stay, I will surely stay. But now I just want to return and, if possible, lift a trophy at the end of the season.

I cannot control what is being said or not said about me, although the truth is that it's an incredible honour that two of the greatest clubs in the history of football, like Barcelona and Real Madrid, are said to be interested in me. Guardiola is and will always be my idol but I'm not closing the door to anyone. I've never done that. Where you have played as a youth player is one thing and my career as professional player is another thing.

When I was young, Barcelona printed a football philosophy in my head that isn't the philosphy of Real Madrid, but at this moment at Arsenal, despite the fact that we like to have ball possession, we play a counter-attack football that is more or less similar to that of Madrid, while at the national team we play more like Barça. That's why I think that I can play at both teams."

Cesc’s father, Francesc Fabregas senior, is meanwhile quoted as commenting on his son's future in an interview with Catalan radio station Onda Cero Catalunya: "Of course, he likes to hear that Barça or Milan or Madrid like him. Anyone would. Any person in a job likes it if another company tells them they are fans and that they would like them to join their company.

Cesc can adapt to wherever he plays. He loves to play football and I am sure that he could fit in at any club. We are all Barca fans in the family, but everyone must understand that we are with Arsenal. At this moment, he is happy and enjoying himself there. The club values him highly.

The only thing that I can say about Florentino Pérez is that four years ago he came to us and we said 'no'. There was a lot of money on the table and we said 'no'. We felt that it was not the best moment for Cesc to move. He has to think of himself and it is not all about money."

cesc with arsenal

Cesc not thinking about leaving Arsenal

Asked about a possible return to Barcelona (read more here), Arsenal midfielder and Spanish international Cesc Fàbregas has said in an interview with Catalan sports paper El Mundo Deportivo that he's only focusing on Arsenal at this moment:

"I can only repeat that Arsenal is my team now since I have a contract until 2014. I'm the captain of Arsenal, I owe the gunners and I will never do something behind the back of the club. I won't talk or meet with anyone without them knowing about it. If a club wants me, they should first talk with Arsène Wenger and then we'll see what happens next.

Everyone should go after his own luck and I'm completely happy at Arsenal. If that wasn't the case, you can be sure that I would already have talked with my coach to ask him to let me go but at this moment that's not the case. We're still fighting for three trophies, let's see if we can win one.

It's nonetheless true that Barça is special for me. I cannot say anything else. I had six unforgettable years there, it's a club that has been my club since childhood, when one is only focused on one team. My family is deeply barcelonista and I share this feeling. Nobody can ignore that."

British tabloid News of the World meanwhile claims that Cesc could be on his way out as a consequence of a change in his attitude since he returned victorious from Spain's success in last summer's European Championships and of the player's wage demands.

An insider is quoted as saying: "Fabregas has changed since he came back from the European Championships. It's as if he thinks he's made it because Spain won. It was the same with Thierry Henry in his last season, but at least Henry had won everything and had a right to swagger around.

As far as most of the players are concerned there is a real arrogance to him now. Fabregas is almost a law unto himself. He walks around like he owns the place and that's put more than a few noses out of joint. A lot of the players think he'll be off in the summer to Barcelona, or maybe even Real Madrid, and that he's just swaggering around until he goes.

People are scared to confront Fabregas in case they upset him and he decides to walk in the summer. The problem is that he gets away with it. There were a lot of people at the club who were surprised when he was allowed to go back to Spain for several weeks to do his injury rehabilitation because it's normally a strict policy that rehab is overseen by Arsenal medical staff."

The situation of Cesc would be monitored closely in Barcelona. Sources close to the Barcelona are said to be convinced the midfielder has set his heart on rejoining the club. Barcelona would be briefing the Spanish media that Fabregas believes there is a witch hunt against him as part of a campaign to drive him away from Arsenal.

cesc future

Cesc is a future option for Barcelona

Asked about the rumours linking Arsenal midfielder and Spanish international Cesc Fàbregas (21) with a move to Barcelona (read more here), Barcelona president Joan Laporta told journalists that he would like to see the player return one day:

"I would be delighted to see him wearing the Barça shirt but the opinion of the coaches is decisive for our decisions. We know that it’s a player with great qualities who perfectly knows the style of Barcelona.

I think we already have the best midfield in the world but everything can be improved. It’s up to the coaches to make this decision, although I’m sure that he would adapt to our way of playing. At this moment I’m nevertheless not thinking about him wearing another shirt than the one he is wearing now. It’s a player who has been formed with us but who’s not comfortable at Arsenal and who has a contract there. It would be a lack of respect towards Arsenal to keep talking about a transfer."

British tabloid The Sun meanwhile claims that Barcelona is preparing a summer bid of around 50 million euro° to sign the Catalan midfielder, whose contract with Arsenal expires in 2014.

Arsenal chief executive Ivan Gazidis unconfirmedly told journalists earlier this week that Cesc will not leave the English Premier League club at the end of this season: "I can’t marry the stories that I read with the reality, which is that Cesc is extremely happy at Arsenal and totally committed to the club, and that’s every message that Arsene Wenger or I have ever received from him or his representatives.

I am very confident that Cesc is committed to the club. You never relax about any situation but we are very confident that this team will stay together, progress together and achieve success together. The young players that we have and the manager we have believe we are doing something very special here."

* Backstreet Boys *

Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Archive August 2009



Cesc Fabregas as a baby

Francesc Fabregas Soler was born on May 4, 1987, in the pretty port of Arenys de Mar, a town more famous for its turnip festival than its footballers. He was the first child of Nuria Soler, a caterer, who is now the director of a sales company and Francesc Fabregas Sr, a bricklayer, who now runs his own construction business.

If Cesc had not grown up to be a football player for a living, he might well be wearing a hard hat. Cesc has said of his father's company, "It's a family business, my grandad had it, my great grandad. The year before I came to Arsenal, I wanted to go and help my dad and if I wasn't a player I'd be doing what my friends do, working with their parents, trying to get money any way they can."

Cesc recalled in an interview with Arsenal TV online that his father was still young when he was born and enjoyed playing football. Young Cesc attended his father's matches but he did not see his father play, he was too busy playing with the other children.

His father was his first football coach and Cesc said he always encouraged him and believed in him, but that he never pressured him. Cesc said,"He wasn't one of those dads who goes crazy with their sons, saying, 'You have to be a footballer'."

Cesc, when asked what his first football memory was, replied, "I would have been 6 or 7 years old. I was in a tournament between three schools of Arenys: el Maragall, Cassa and La Presentacio. I went with this team. That was my first playoff, or championship game, with all the parents looking on in the Arenys pavilion, which no longer exists. I have the videotape recorded by my mother of when my father gave me the shirt, socks, shorts to wear. I was the happiest child in the world. I scored 3 goals. We won 3-2 and then 2-1. It was an unforgettable memory. Later I started football at seven. With 8 or 9 year olds coordinating already with the big football. With the school I played Saturdays at 12 and 4, with 'small fry' A team of Arenys. It was a complete weekend. Tired? Never. I was doing what I like most!"

Cesc Fabregas played for CE Mataro

Cesc was 10 years old when he first realized he might have a future in professional football he recalls, "I was playing for a little town next to mine and I was lucky to be playing in the same league as Barcelona on that day and they came to see me - I also played against them as well a few times - and they called my family, my parents and we decided too go for a try out with Barcelona and they took me."

At first he would train once a week at the Barcelona FC Youth Academy 'La Cantera' and the rest of the week in Mataro

It made for a demanding schedule. Cesc said, "When I went to Mataro, although I trained with the "small fry" A team of the Barca. I hurried, rushed from school at 5pm because a taxi came to collect me and the other kids of the Maresme. At 7pm we trained and we did not get home until 11pm. We also had to have dinner and do home work. So it was for five years until during my last year as a cadet I lodged at La Masia. They were the best years of my life."

In an interview that aired on Cuatro his parents told of Cesc's natural affinity for football. They said that since he started to walk it had been obvious, you could tell, all he wanted was the ball... They also found that when it came to giving young Cesc presents nothing but items in the football line would do. They tried everything else, Playmobil toys etc, but Cesc was not having a bar of it. However, they found that they could usually solve their gift-giving headaches with a trip to the Barca store. The Barca kit was a favorite.

His mother also recalled how Cesc even at 8 and 9 years of age would go to bed early the night before matches and would watch his diet. If it was suggested that they have dinner at McDonalds on a Friday night, Cesc would refuse! He only wanted soup, fish, fruit etc and for a child of only 8 or 9 this was an unusual attitude!

Cesc is a lifelong supporter of FC Barcelona, he first went to the stadium when he was nine months old, with his grandad. He even lived at Barca's ground, leaving home at 14 to move to the dormitory inside the stadium complex that houses youth academy players.

Cesc Fabregas and Lionel Messi

Amongst his fellow cadets in the youth academy was, Lionel Messi. Cesc and Lionel complemented each other well. "We won everything together in our age group and we used to love playing one-twos on the pitch. We had a great understanding," recalls Cesc. "He made a big impression on me, but he was very shy and that complicated his integration," said Cesc. "We thought he was dumb. Until, being kids and thanks to Play Station, we discovered he could talk."

"It was great to play for Barcelona," Cesc reminisces, "but when we played it was 30-0. What's the point? I need to have competition. From when I was in the under-13s we started winning by 15 goals and I was thinking about leaving. If the coaches can see you're better than the opposition, why don't they let you play against a higher age group? I almost went to Espanyol but the president said, 'Let's try and find a solution'. I stayed but then Arsenal came and I knew it was the chance of a lifetime.

The first time I came to London I saw the facilities. I talked to the boss, they treated me as if I was an adult, a big player. I had the feeling something special could happen for me here."

He adds: ‘I talked to a lot of people, all my family, especially, and people here, too, and we thought it was the best decision. I was 16. At Barcelona, I was captaining the Under-16s. Here, they gave me the opportunity to play for the reserves straight away, soon the Carling Cup. It gave me the motivation that I needed.

Fabregas had been placed on Wenger's radar by his man in Iberia, former Arsenal youth player Francis Cagigao, and tracked closely after a starring performance for Spain versus England Under-16s in 2002. Steve Rowley, Arsenal's chief scout, put in the groundwork with Cesc and his family.

Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

joins to arsenal

Arsenal To Trade For Fernando Gago If Cesc Fabregas Joins Real Madrid

Fernando Gago

But Spanish daily AS has reported that numerous sources in the English press believe that Gunners boss Arsene Wenger could line-up Real madrid’s Fernando Gago as a replacement for Fabregas should he decide to swap the Emirates for the Santiago Bernabeu this summer.

Gago has supposedly attracted plenty of admirers in England with his playing style and he would have no problems fitting in with Arsenal’s brand of football as a direct substitute for Cesc.
It has also been claimed that a few other clubs are keeping a close eye on the Argentine’s progress, including Manchester City, who have reportedly considered making an offer for the 22-year-old.


Gago is expected to drop down the pecking order in Madrid next season because Lassana Diarra has all but cemented his status as an indispensable figure in the centre of midfield. And with the possible arrival of Xabi Alonso from Liverpool, the ex-Boca Juniors midfielder could be relegated to a bench role

video clipt

Al El Doel

first time

hahahhahahaa . . niih deea tulisan pertamakuu diblog kedua kuu

.. Kesha - We R Who We R ..